2024Meeting between Minister Nišić and AmCham representatives in Montenegro
Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Ms. Naida Nišić, met with representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Montenegro, President of the Board of Governors, Mrs. Svetlana Vuksanović, Executive Director Marko Miročević Phd, President of the Labor Relations Committee, Mr. Zoran Soknić, and Policy Manager Ms. Ana Marija Simonović.
Current economic events, cooperation achieved, and prospects to improve the business environment in Montenegro were the themes discussed at the meeting.
The Minister emphasized the necessity of continuing to build human capital, stating that the Ministry recognizes the challenges in the labor market. In light of the population’s expected aging and the possibility of young Montenegrins joining the EU labor market, she stressed the importance of youth employment and empowerment.
“The structural reforms we are implementing are aimed at increasing the flexibility of the labor market, eliminating informal employment and improving social stability, thereby reducing the poverty rate,” said Ms. Nišić.
The minister emphasized that the digitization of all services within the Ministry’s purview is a top priority, while Montenegro is particularly focused on implementing new software systems in the systems of institutions related to the labor market.
If the Montenegrin labor market is to become more competitive, AmCham members said, the business community must be involved in drafting labor laws.
“As part of the “Rule of Dialogue” initiative, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and AmCham will maintain an atmosphere of open, constant, and prompt communication, which will undoubtedly bring about the lowering of regulatory hurdles for businesses, the development of more effective state policies, and, ultimately, their more effective execution, all to the advantage of society at large,” stressed the representatives of AmCham.
They expressed their satisfaction with the announcement made by the relevant Ministry regarding the intention to improve labor regulations, as they believe that a modern and flexible legal framework is crucial for Montenegro’s human resource development and for the country to attract both employers and employees.
The American Chamber of Commerce also applauded the government’s attempts to reduce the administrative burden and lent its support to the move to digital platforms for submitting specific documents. This would lead to greater efficiency, which in turn would lead to a more streamlined and cost-effective process, more accurate and comprehensive records, and the promotion of a more sustainable way of doing business.
The minister was pleased with the cooperation’s longevity and success and promised that her ministry would work to further its relationship with AmCham by being transparent in its communications and sharing of relevant information.