AmCham Montenegro provides its members with support when starting and doing business in Montenegro.
In case you need further information how to register your business or get the necessary business related information/legislation etc, you can contact AmCham Montenegro Executive Office at info@amcham.me or visit one of the following links:
Montenegrin Government Agencies
Government of MontenegroMinistry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism
Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare
Ministry of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media
Ministry of Capital Investments
Ministry Education, Science, Culture and Sports
Revenue and Custom Administration
Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro
Central Register of the Commercial Court
Secretariat to the Competitiveness Council of Montenegro
U.S. Government Agencies
U.S. Embassy PodgoricaU.S. Department of Commerce – Central and Eastern Europe Business Information Center
U.S. Trade and Development Agency