The AmCham Internship Program (AIP) aims to provide qualified university students with the opportunity to conduct quality internships at participating AmCham Montenegro member companies. The program imparts workplace orientation and work experience to talented students with growth potential prior to their graduation.
AmCham Montenegro came to the idea to create an Internship Program as a response to a very specific challenge in doing business in Montenegro: the lack of experienced and qualified labor pool. To help address this issue, the AmCham Board of Governors launched the AmCham Internship Program for the first time in 2011. By 2018, more than 140 interns have successfully finished the AmCham Internship Program.
Program summary
AmCham Montenegro continuously works on expanding and developing its internship program by offering more internship positions and increased promotion of the program in order to attract more applicants. We also organize workshops and seminars, as a part of this program, that help students prepare themselves for the job application process once finished with their studies.
AmCham Montenegro cooperates with all three of the major universities in Montenegro to realize the AmCham Internship Program. The University of Donja Gorica, Mediterranean University and the University of Montenegro are partnering institutions in the realization of the program.
Students can apply for the AIP by submitting their application material directly to AmCham’s Executive Office. Application deadlines and procedures will be explained in detail when the next call for applications opens.
AmCham Montenegro member companies participating in the internship program assign a contact person who communicates with the AmCham Office throughout the internship program. The contact person should be the same person that will act as a supervisor or mentor to the intern(s) while they are on assignment with the member company.
AmCham signs a cooperation agreement with students chosen to participate in the Internship Program, with their rights and obligations defined. The students chosen to participate in the AmCham Internship program have a duty, amongst other duties, to:
- Spend an average of 15 hours during the working week in the company where they will be appointed.
- Follow the rules and procedures of work and conduct of the company to which they have been deployed.
- All information to which they have been granted access of attained during the internship program is to be treated as strictly confidential.
- Perform the entrusted activities in the company responsibly, conscientiously and with respect to all instructions that they received from the responsible person in the company.
- Respect the rights of other members of the internship program, as well as the rights of AmCham, Montenegro, the rights of its employees, and employees of the AmCham member companies, with mutual tolerance, regardless of diversity.
- To submit to AmCham Montenegro a report on the activities and the time spent during that month in the company where they have been deployed. The report will be submitted on a monthly basis, on the last working day of each month.
- To attend monthly meetings organized by AmCham Montenegro for the participants in the internship program in connection with the monthly evaluation of their participation in the internship program.
- Complete the evaluation form upon completion of the internship program.
- To participate in other programs and activities organized by AmCham Montenegro for the participants in the internship program, previously agreed with them.
AmCham Montenegro provides a certificate of completion of the internship program for all the participants of the AmCham Montenegro internship program, who have attended and successfully completed the internship program.
The deadline for submitting member companies application for participation in this Program is Thursday, May 03, 2018 at 16:00 hrs. Member companies can apply HERE.
The 2018AmCham Internship Program application period for students is due to start on May 17, 2018.
Any questions about the AmCham Internship Program should be referred by calling the AmCham Executive Office at: +382 20 621 328.