2019Innovation is in the basis of every growth
AmCham column – Our stories: Author: Telenor Montenegro General Manager, Untitled Governor of the AmCham Montenegro Board of Governors, Ms. Sandra Štajner …

2019AmCham column – Our stories: Events not to miss in Porto Montenegro this summer
Alongside spectacular concerts, performances and a premier fashion event welcoming global designers, this season, Porto Montenegro will bring luxury lifestyle…

2019AmCham column – Our stories: How to digitally transform Montenegro
Author: Vladimir Tabaš, Čikom’s Director General, member of AmCham Digital Transformation Committee Digital technologies have a significant impact on the…

2018And now, something completely decentralized
Writes: Nenad Novović, Executive Director of AmCham member company Amplitudo In today’s world, to call information digital gold is not…

2018Dual education: concept and current state in Montenegro
Writes: Marina Banović, Deputy Chief Executive Director and Executive Director for Operation – Societe Generale Montenegro bank. Dual education is…

2017Steps towards social inclusion
Together with Svetlana Dujović, the Director of Public Institution Day Care Center for children and youth with disabilities, we discussed…

2017Youth strength for the challenges that the modern era brings – Societe Generale Bank
The development of young people in our bank is one of the strategic roles of HR and the orientation of…

2017Things to know if you are applying for AmCham Internship Program
Final days of your student years are coming to an end. The time is right to make the first bold…

2016AIP Alumni Experiences – Interview with Jovana Jauković
The most important lesson young people should learn is that getting a degree is just the beginning of a lifelong…

2016Five Main Reasons to Apply for 2016 AmCham Internship Program
If you are a final year student at the University of Montenegro, University of Donja Gorica or Mediterranean University, than…