2016Learn How to Lead, Motivate and Inspire your Employees’ Brains
AmCham Montenegro, in cooperation with City College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, will host a lecture “The Leadership Brain: How to lead, motivate and inspire your employees’ brains”, on March 15, 2016 in Podgorica. The lecture will be held by Dr Nikolaos Dimitriadis from City College. The lecture is free of charge and open only to AmCham members (members can register here).
Lecture Overview:
For decades, leaders and managers have been trained to think and act upon the assumption that employees and customers are rational beings. Motivational, organizational and structural approaches have been developed on the premise that people know what is good for them and that they behave accordingly. Therefore rewards, bonuses, job promotions as well as punishments have been designed to make sure that people understand and achieve various multilevel goals. However, there is strong scientific evidence that this approach is, not just irrelevant, but dangerous because it does not accept humans as they are: emotional, irrational and primarily focused on their survival. Management styles need to change and modern leaders have to reconsider their approach. They have to calibrate their brain for modern leadership. Especially in chaotic and complex business environments, the old leadership thinking has to step aside fast. Prepare for the holistic brain leader! This lecture provides both the evidence for the need to change and specific practical directions on how this should happen.
Short biography:
Dr. Nikolaos Dimitriadis (MBA, PhD) has been applying neuroscience and behavioral sciences in marketing, communications and leadership for over a decade. He is the co-author of the book “Neuroscience for Leaders: A Brain Adaptive Leadership Approach” for Kogan Page, London, and he spoke at TEDx Strathclyde 2015 about the urgent need for Brain-Based Communications. He is a certified Neuromarketer, by SalesBrain USA, and an award winning communications professional (International PR Association Award, SABRE Award by Holmes Report and other international and national awards). In 2015, he lectured at the first Neuromarketing Certificate Program at the Hamburg Media School among top Neuromarketing experts in the world. He is a mentor of Startups at the ICT HUB in Belgrade. When he was a Lecturer at Sheffield University Management School in the UK he was announced by MBA students as the best lecturer in the program. He has received both his PhD and his MBA from the University of Sheffield. Dr. Nikolaos Dimitriadis is currently the Development Director at the Executive Development Institute of the University of Sheffield International Faculty and he is frequently lecturing at the Sheffield Executive MBA in South East Europe (SEE). He is the co-owner of DNA Communications, a full service agency based in Belgrade, Serbia, and he trains and coaches executives of multinational corporations. He has worked with companies and institutions such as IKEA, Nestle, Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, Holcim, Pierre Fabre, Coca Cola, Rauch, Teekanne, USAID, Raiffeisen and others.
Please note that seating for this event is limited to 30 places. We encourage all members to confirm their attendance as soon as possible. For further information, please contact Executive Office via info@amcham.me
See you at the lecture!