2024Minister Odović meets with American Chamber of Commerce representatives
Mr. Janko Odović, Minister of Spatial Planning, Urbanism, and State Property, met with the representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham Montenegro).
Speaking to the American Chamber of Commerce’s representatives, the Minister laid out a roadmap for the future of the Ministry’s work. He focused on the goals of digitizing the real estate cadastre, which will improve data accuracy, streamline administrative processes, and make the records easily accessible to citizens and investors. All of this will help bring the records up to date and in line with EU standards.
Members of the American Chamber of Commerce brought attention to possible collaboration areas during their visit. Their main points were the importance of possible American investments in Montenegro and the necessity to arrange a meeting at the expert level with American Chamber of Commerce in Montenegro members involved in the Real Estate and Digital Transformation Committees. This meeting would examine the interest of American companies in investing in the field of spatial planning and facilitate knowledge transfer.
It is critical to enhance cooperation through a productive discussion between the Ministry and the American Chamber of Commerce, the interlocutors agreed.