2023The reform of the education system is the foundation of a prosperous Montenegro
Education is the foundation of a prosperous Montenegro and investment in the education system is an investment for the future, it was assessed at the meeting of the Minister of Education, Science, and Innovation with representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce.
The AmCham President Mrs. Svetlana Vuksanović said that the Chamber represents a society of innovative companies that is aware of the importance of investing in education. She also emphasized the importance of investing in science and innovation, which creates added value for the country, and that there are numerous areas in which the ideas and practices of Chamber members can be used.
Executive Director Marko Miročević expressed his belief in productive cooperation between the two institutions. Miročević highlighted the key strategic priorities of the Chamber – digital transformation and support for new technologies – and stated that the American Chamber of Commerce perceives the Ministry of Education, Science, and Innovation as the bearer of the development of Montenegro.
Minister of Education, Science, and Innovation Prof. Dr. Anđela Jakšić-Stojanović praised the successful cooperation so far in science and innovation. Presenting the plans of the Ministry, which includes a radical reform of the education system, she stated that in the coming period, work will be done on the promotion of the existing platform “Digital School”, which she expects will be revived in the coming period, bearing in mind that in the past period provided computer equipment in the value of over 6 million euros.
At the meeting, interlocutors pointed out the importance of connecting scientific research institutions with the economy, which contributes to the development of the entire society, as well as further cooperation through the common interests of these two institutions, and the extension of the Cooperation Agreement to the field of education.