2018American Chamber of Commerce hosted Thanksgiving charity cocktail
Donation to the Centre for Neonatal Care of the Clinical Centre of Montenegro
In honour of Thanksgiving Day, American Chamber of Commerce in Montenegro (AmCham Montenegro) organized a Thanksgiving Charity Cocktail, on Tuesday, November 27th, at hotel “Hilton” in Podgorica.
AmCham member companies: Telenor, Hoffmann la Roche, Coca-Cola Hellenic Crna Gora, Societe Generale Montenegro, Karanović/Partners, Crnogorski Telekom, The Capital Plaza, Sava Osiguranje, Addiko Bank, Pivara Trebjesa, Saga CG, Uniqa Osiguranje, DHL Expres Kingscliffe Distribution Montenegro, Butterfly finance, CKB banka, Montenomaks, Teknoxgroup, Erste banka, Represent Communications, MonteCredit, Adriatic Marinas-Porto Montenegro, Limit Prime Securities, HTP Korali, Zapad banka, Čelebić, supported the AmCham initiative to donate a device that impose continuous positive pressure in the lungs to the Centre for Neonatology of the Clinical Centre of Montenegro, an intensive care unit specialized in the care of ill or premature newborn infants.
AmCham’s Executive Director, Marko Miročević, pointed out that the purpose of this traditional event is to promote joint activities in the field of social responsibility and, once again, underline the strong commitment of the American Chamber of Commerce, as well as its members, to improving the business and social environment in Montenegro.
“The American Chamber of Commerce, as the leading voice of the international business community, will continue to promote and strongly support socially responsible business through the work of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee,” concluded AmCham’s Executive Director.
H.E. Judy Kuo, Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy in Montenegro, said that she is grateful for the opportunity to celebrate this tradition with the AmCham family.
“I want to thank AmCham for celebrating this year’s Thanksgiving Day by donation to the Centre for Neonatology at the Clinical Centre of Montenegro. This generous gift is a great example of how an engaging business community can make a positive difference”, said Deputy Chief of Mission.
Director of the Institute for Children’s Diseases of the Clinical Centre of Montenegro, Dr Saša Radović, expressed gratitude for this valuable donation and emphasized that involvement of the business community is important for the improvement of health centres and conditions of treatment.
“Our care for the patients, in this way, becomes easier and indicates that beside health care workers, other members of society can contribute to the health of children. Healthy children and their happy childhood are our goal that has no price”, said dr Radovic.
AmCham Montenegro is independent non-profit business association. Founded in 2008, currently gathers 85 American, international and domestic companies in Montenegro.
AmCham Montenegro is dedicated to improving the business environment of Montenegro in order to attract more U.S. and other foreign investments.