2017Things to know if you are applying for AmCham Internship Program
Final days of your student years are coming to an end. The time is right to make the first bold step into the business world!
If you are a student of the final year at the University of Montenegro, University of Donja Gorica or the Mediterranean University this post is the right one for you! In the following lines read about the frequently asked questions regarding the AmCham Internship Program.
AmCham Montenegro came to the idea to create an Internship Program as a response to a very specific challenge in doing business in Montenegro: the lack of experienced and qualified labor pool. To help address this issue, the AmCham Board of Governors launched the AmCham Internship Program for the first time in 2011. During the last six years, a total of 102 students have successfully completed the Program and gathered precious practical knowledge and skills, highly required for the job market, as well as received recommendations and certificates on the completion of the Program.
This year, 18 member companies together with AmCham Montenegro, are participating in the Program. The members which will be partaking in the seventh generation of the Program are: Crnogorski Telekom, Societe Generale Montenegro Banka, “Trebjesa” Brewery, Mediterranean University, UNIQA Insurance, Čikom, Hoffman La Roche, TV Vijesti, Deloitte, Investment Fund Trend, SnT, Blue Coach, Fidelity Consulting, Amplitudo, Telemach, 7. Avgust, McCann Podgorica. They are offering 42 positions, six of which are available for students with disabilities.
The main goal of AmCham Internship Program is to contribute to the quality of workforce on the Montenegrin job market.
What are the key reasons for participating in the Program?
According to the survey we conducted amongst the previous generations of interns, these are some of the key reasons for applying:
- This is an opportunity to gain practical experience in your field of study
- The Program will help you to develop numerous business contacts in leading international companies in Montenegro
- You will spend 15 hours/week on average in the company, thus maintain work-study balance
- Certificate of Completion as a reference for your CV
- Potential employment
What is required for the application?
Only final year students may apply for the Internship Program;
- Excellent knowledge of English language (written and oral);
- Strong knowledge of office applications and other relevant computer applications for business;
- Other skills and competencies, as well as self-motivation, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit, will also be taken into consideration during the vetting process.
Additional but not obligatory criteria is to have grade point average of 8.0 on a scale of 10 achieved for all previous years of study;
It is necessary for each candidate to submit the following documentation in order to apply for the Internship Program:
- An updated CV in English, which includes contact information (i.e. name and surname, email address and mobile phone number)
- Certificate issued by the faculty verifying that the student is currently enrolled in the final year. If the student is not able to provide this certificate in the application phase, it is possible to deliver this certificate during the internship period, until December 4th.
- Certificate issued with an overview of all examinations passed and with an average score achieved in previous years of study;
- Cover letter of no more than 2000 characters, in English which would explain the reasons and motives for application, expectations, and wishes regarding any specific area of special interest in the Program.
Which are eligible study programs in 2017 Internship Program?
Companies which are part of the Program have precisely defined the required number of candidates and the study programs which are of interest to them. With that in mind, the following study programs are eligible: Economy/Marketing, Law, Engineering, IT Sector, English Language, Tourism, Political Science, Visual Arts, Science, Psychology, Food Industry Engineer, and Pharmacology. High interest is shown for students in the field of Economy, with 19 positions available, followed by IT Sector and Engineering with 8, and in the field of Law, 5 students are required. Each company determinates the positions and fields of study according to their specialized industry.
What will the selection process encompass?
The selection process will encompass two stages:
- First round: submit your applications in the period from May 19 up to June 9 via internship@amcham.me
- Second round: Selection Committee will conduct interviews with students on June 16, 2017.
Successful candidates will be informed about the results of the selection by June 19, 2017.
After June 9, and the closing of the application period, AmCham office will draft a ranking list of candidates on the basis of collected documents. It will include the analysis of the curriculums and motivation letter. After the AmCham office completes ranking of the applications, the second round will begin with the interviews of the candidates, which will be led by the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee will be composed of the representatives of AmCham Montenegro office and the representatives of our member companies.
Will the application for AmCham Internship Program, cause me to lose the right to apply for the Vocational Training Program of the Employment Agency of Montenegro?
AmCham Internship Program is intended for students of final years of studies who have not yet acquired the diploma of high education. The candidates are also free to apply for the Vocational Training Program conducted by the Employment Agency of Montenegro. The two programs will not overlap considering that the AmCham Program is due to finish in December and the Vocational Training Program starts in January.
The application period will close on June 9, by 12 noon. We call upon all interested candidates to apply with the required documentation via the e-mail: internship@amcham.me
The applications received after the designated period will not be considered.
We are looking forward to addressing your quality applications and we are ready to welcome the new generation of AmCham Interns!
Good Luck on the job market!