2016InfoComm 2016, June 8-10, Las Vegas
On behalf of the U.S. Embassy in Montenegro, we would like to invite our members to visit the InfoComm 2016, one of the most significant trade shows of this kind in the USA. The event will be held in Las Vegas, from June 4 to June 10, 2016.
InfoComm 2016 is the largest, most exciting event in the United States focused on the pro-AV industry, with more than 950 exhibitors, thousands of products, and 40,000 attendees from 108+ countries. The InfoComm show is your once-a-year opportunity to see the latest audiovisual technology, learn the skills that will advance your career, and grow your professional network.
The mission of the U.S. Embassy’s Commercial Service is to provide expertise and administrative help to U.S. companies in establishing and developing commercial cooperation with companies and institutions from Montenegro. The program of the U.S. Department of Commerce entitled “International Buyer Program” has the goal to enhance business cooperation between U.S. and other companies in the world. As part of this program, the U.S. Embassy’s Commercial Service around the world organize visits of the local business representatives, institutions and individuals to the biggest and most important world fairs that take place on the U.S. territory.
If you are planning to visit the InfoComm 2016, as a representative of a local company, you automatically receive the right to attend this event as a part of the official delegation. Some of the benefits you get are:
· Support in your native language
· Free registration
· Assistance in the organization of travel and accommodation
· Invitations for the International delegates private reception
· Invitation to the international visitors and exhibitors reception
· Assistance in organizing and scheduling meetings with U.S. exhibitors and companies before and during the fair.
· Logistical support on the fair
InfoComm is the leading international fair in this industry with more than 950 exhibitors, thousands of products and over 40,000 participants from 108+ countries. Visitors will have the chance to meet the companies’ representatives face-to-face, different solutions and newest technologies in this industry, as well as to attend conferences and seminars organized as part of the fair.
More information about this fair, as well as the list of registered companies- exhibitors, you can find on this link.
InfoComm is one of the 23 fairs participating in the IBP Program of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The goal of the U.S. Embassy is to organize a Montenegrin delegation which will attend the fair. Please note that the travel and accommodation costs are covered by the companies/institutions directly. The U.S. Embassy Commercial Service will provide the following benefits for all members of the delegation:
If you or anyone from your company is interested in attending InfoComm as part of the Montenegrin delegation, please download the official invitation letter and the registration form here. Please submit the completed form to Ms. Marina Milic at milicm@state.gov the latest by April 20, 2016.
We look forward to helping you explore different international trade opportunities!