2012Business Breakfast with Minister of Science of Montenegro, Dr. Sanja Vlahovic
During a business breakfast hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce in Montenegro, the Minister of Science of Montenegro, Dr. Sanja Vlahovic presented AmCham members with the government’s strategy to strengthen the local science community, build bilateral and multilateral relations, and tying together the science and business communities.
According to Minister Vlahovic, the areas that are most relevant for Montenegro, as it concerns science are: energy, tourism/sustainable development, agriculture, culture and medicine/health. Concrete steps that the government will take to help promote sciences in Montenegro will be to build a business incubator/IT park for young entrepreneurs through a World Bank funded program and to continuously engage youth with science exhibits and other such gatherings.
AmCham members commented on the need to attract more international companies to Montenegro and to work on bringing back talented scientific minds that have left Montenegro to be educated and pursue other opportunities abroad.