2010AmCham Clean & Green – November
AmCham Members participated in a “Clean and Green” at the Vuk Karadžic school in Zabjelo. Over 150 pupils, volunteers, and school staff assisted with painting the school’s walls, picking up litter from the grounds, and painting the school’s perimeter fence. The school’s chorus and dance troupe delighted volunteers before the clean-up activity began.
The Clean & Green helped raise awareness about the importance of keeping our community clean and supporting our local schools. Sponsors of the event included Jugopetrol, Roksped, Wurth, First Financial Bank, Water Group, Coca Cola Hellenic, and McCann Erickson. Also providing support were JP “Zelenilo” and “Agencija za stanovanje”.
Thanks to sponsors and AmCham members, we were able to install new benches, renew trash bins, and build an outdoor classroom for pupils to use starting in Spring, 2011.